Online Returns/Exchanges
How do I return an item?
You can now effortlessly initiate a refund request via our website! If your purchase hasn't met your expectations, simply log in to our website and request a return . If you require further assistance, you may contact us at 437-450-2327 or e-mail us at to request for a return authorization. All online purchases require a return authorization prior to being returned in-store or couriered back to our warehouse. (Returns are accepted only for shipments made in Canada, US or International orders are not eligible for refunds or exchanges).
Refunds and exchanges for online orders will be processed only if the item is undamaged, unused in its original condition, with its original tags, unopened packaging and original receipt, up to 14 days from the date of receiving .
- Drop-ship and Special order items can only be exchanged.
- Items marked Final Sale or ending in 0.96 cannot be returned or refunded.
- All PPE, face mask sales are final and items cannot be returned or refunded.
Refunds will be credited in the manner in which the payment was made. If applicable, the original shipping charge is non-refundable. If the order qualified for free shipping, the cost of the initial shipment (lowest ground service cost) will be deducted from the refund. Items that do not comply with this return policy will be sent back to you.
To complete your return, we require a receipt or proof of purchase. You will be responsible for paying for your own shipping costs for returning your item. If your item was never picked up and returned to us, it will be treated in the same way as a standard return.
To return your purchase by courier, please contact us at for a return authorization. Please allow 1-3 business days for a customer care representative to answer back. Once you receive your return authorization by email, simply print it and attach it to your package. You may ship your package by your carrier of choice. Returns received without a return authorization will be shipped back.
You will be contacted via email as soon as the return has been processed.
We value our customers and will do everything we can to make it right.
Thank you.
Verage Canada
Customer Service
+1(437) 450-2327
Monday - Friday 10 am - 6 pm Eastern Time (Holiday hours vary)